I am worried about a friend/peer at TCNJ. What is the best way to get them help?
If you think your friend or others might be in immediate danger, call 911 or Campus Police Services at 609-771-2345. They have officers specifically trained to work with students in crisis. If your concern is not immediate/urgent, please make a referral to TCNJ Cares. You can do so online or by calling our office at 609-771-2780 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.
In addition to making a referral, you can also walk with your friend to any of the various campus resources whose mission is to support students in need. These include Mental Health Services, Office of Anti-Violence Initiatives, Center for Integrative Wellness, Student Health Center, Accessibility Resource Center and more. If you aren’t exactly sure which resource would be most appropriate, know that TCNJ Cares is a good place to start. We can assist you and/or your friend in getting connected.
I received an email from a TCNJ Cares staff member; do I have to make an appointment?
It depends. Sometimes we send a message inviting you to come and meet with us if you would find it helpful. And sometimes our message indicates that we need to meet with you; often in these situations, we look at your class schedule and identify a time for you to come in. In all cases, our goal is to make contact with you and to make sure you have the resources and support that you need.
Is the information I share private?
Information shared with the TCNJ Cares staff becomes part of a student’s educational record and is thus protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA dictates that among other things, 1) students are allowed access to view their own educational records (by appointment), and 2) information in the record may only be shared with the explicit permission of the student or when there is an exception that allows sharing. In all cases, we take students’ privacy seriously and take appropriate steps to safeguard records/information. Further, all records/information are used with the goal of providing assistance and support. You can access additional information about FERPA.
What is the difference between Case Management and MHS?
Case Management provides problem-solving support, resources, and advocacy for external challenges that are impacting a student’s personal and/or academic success. A case manager’s role is similar to a social worker.
MHS provides therapeutic support for good mental health, emotional resilience, and wellness. They provide individual and group psychotherapy.
Are case managers therapists?
No, case managers do not provide psychotherapy treatment to students. However, they can assess students in crisis and help them get the mental health support they can need.
Where can I go for counseling?
Anti-Violence Initiatives – Forcina Hall, Room 308
Anti-Violence Initiatives (AVI) offers confidential counseling and support services for students who have been directly or indirectly impacted by power-based personal violence (i.e. sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking).
Center for Integrative Wellness (CIW), Forcina Hall, Room 124
CIW is a training clinic and holistic health center on campus that provides low-cost (and longer-term mental health) services to TCNJ students, faculty, staff and community members.
Mental Health Services (MHS), Eickhoff Hall Room 107
CAPS Mental Health Services (MHS) provides group counseling, workshops, brief individual counseling and referral services to TCNJ students. Services are confidential; no record of counseling appears on the student’s permanent academic record. MHS is staffed by a team of licensed mental health professionals as well as interns from both master’s and doctoral degree-granting programs, under direct supervision from licensed professionals. During the initial consultation with the student, the student and the therapist will create a plan best suited to meet the students’ needs.
Community Counseling Collaborative – Forcina Hall, Suite 413-415
The Community Counseling Collaborative (CCC) is a new Health and Wellness initiative at TCNJ to bring licensed mental health providers on campus to provide low-cost, longer-term mental health care to our students. Offices are located on the 4th floor of Forcina Hall, Suite 413-415. Access to services at the CCC can be coordinated through CAPS and the Dean of Students Office – but clinicians can also be contacted directly for appointment availability (see website).
If you wish to access counseling off-campus, click here to access the MHS referral database for a listing of local off-campus services.